Customized Investment Management

We craft portfolios that are  tailored  for your individual needs and distinct goals.

Our investment philosophy is simple: We get to know you and what you’d like your money to do for you. Then we build a portfolio that aligns.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Your investment strategy shouldn’t exist in a vacuum.

Nor should it be out-of-the-box, the same as the next guy’s.

The central point of investing is for your money to be a means for accomplishing what’s really important to you. At Lucidity, we recognize that cookie-cutter investment strategies just won’t cut it.

We recommend investments we understand, and that we can explain to you. We use low-cost, tax-efficient, diversified investments to craft portfolios based on your particular goals and financial situation.

We create portfolios that are customized for your stage of life and as a means to reaching your individual goals. We consider your current and future income needs, your time horizon, your tax profile, and your comfort level with market risk to craft a personalized investment strategy based on the time-tested principles of asset allocation, diversification, and tax efficiency.

We know that perfect timing isn’t required for investment success, but persistence and consistency are. We take the emotions out of your investments so you can tune out the noise and focus on what matters most to you.

Senior couple sitting at desk with female financial advisor

Wealth is a tool. What will you build with yours?

Wealth is a tool. What will you build with yours?